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Table of Contents


This How-To is a setup guide for getting your technology all setup again after it was taken home or to another location and you need to set it back up at your desk

Setting Up from Scratch

Required Technology

  • Technology
    • 1-2 Monitors
    • 1 Keyboard
    • 1 Mouse
    • 1 Docking Station
    • 1 Phone
  • Cables (Pictures Will Be Provided at the bottom of page)
    • 1-2 Display Cables (DisplayPort, VGA, DVI, HDMI)
      • You should have 1 per monitor
    • 1-2 Monitor Power Cables
      • You should have 1 per monitor
    • 1 Dock Power Supply
      • Make sure the wattage is 130W if not check your laptop power cable
      • Your laptop power cable should be 65W with the dock power cable being 130W
    • 2 Ethernet Cables
      • If you only have one cable that is perfectly fine

Setup Instructions

Docking Station Setup

  1. Plug the docking station power supply into the wall
  2. Plug the docking station power supply into the dock

Monitor Setup

  1. Take the monitor power cable and plug one into each of your monitors
  2. Take a display cable and plug one into each of your monitors
    1. A Monitor may only have certain types of connections so not every display cable is compatible with every monitor
  3. Plug in the monitor power cables to the wall
  4. Plug in the monitor display cables into the docking station

Phone Setup

  1. Take one ethernet cable and plug it into the lower slot on the phone
    1. There are two ethernet slots one being with the other connections and one is seperate from the rest.
    2. Use the slot that are with the other connections
  2. Plug the other end into the port below your desk
    1. There are typically several ports. Some may work some may not
    2. You will know if the port works if your phone lights up after plugging it in
  3. If you have a second ethernet cable plug it into slot separate from the rest and plug the other side into your dock

Peripheral Setup

  1. Take the rest of your USB connected items (Keyboard, Mouse, Label Maker, etc.) and connect them to the dock and then the laptop if you run out of ports

Final Steps

  1. At this point you should be able to plug your laptop into the cable physically attached to the dock. If you have issues please look at the troubleshooting tips below for help
  2. Your setup should look like the following in terms of how everything is connected together


Display Cables




DisplayPort (DP)

Power Cables/Adapters

Dock Power Supply (Should be 130W)

Laptop Power Supply (Should be 65W)

Monitor Power Cable

Ethernet Cable

Troubleshooting Tips

Dock Not Powering On

  1. Your dock has a few indicators to show power status
    1. Check the dock itself. There is normally a light either on the top or front of the dock
    2. Check the end of the power cable connected to the dock as it might have a light
  2. If you still don't have any power check the three cable connections
    1. The connection to the wall
    2. The connection at the adapter brick
    3. The connection to the dock itself
  3. If you still don't have power to your dock please check the wattage of the adapter and make sure it's 130W

Dock Hard Reset

  1. Unplug laptop from dock
  2. Unplug dock from power cable that's in the back of it, usually has a light on the power cable
  3. Hold power button on top of the dock for 10 seconds
  4. Plug dock back into power and wait 10 seconds
  5. Plug laptop back into dock

Monitors Not Showing Display

  1. Make sure your laptop is connected to the dock
  2. Check to see if your laptop is charging
    1. If your laptop is not charging check the dock not powering on troubleshooting
  3. If the displays are still not working please follow dock hard reset steps

Changing Display Settings

  1. Select the windows logo in the bottom left of your screen
  2. Click Settings (Two Icons above the windows icon once the start menu opens)
  3. Select System within Settings
  4. Change Display Options
    1. Select Identify below the graphic at the top of the page showing your displays with numbers on them
      1. This is to help identify which monitor is which
    2. Change Display Mode
      1. If you have a "1|2" or something like it within the graphic you are in Duplicate Mode
      2. To change to extended which allows for displays acting independent from each other use the following
      3. Select the "1|2" or like option
      4. Scroll down most of the way down the page until you see the multiple displays dropdown
      5. Click it and select extend these displays
    3. Change Display Order
      1. Goto the graphic at the top of the screen and drag the displays around till they are set how you would like
      2. Click apply at the bottom right of the graphic

Steps Not Working

  1. If the above steps are not working for your issue please double check the following
  2. Check for loose connections
    1. Monitor Display Cable(s)
    2. Monitor Power Cable(s)
    3. Dock Power Supply
    4. Laptop Cable to Dock
    5. Phone Ethernet Cable(s)
  3. Contact the service desk if the above plus the troubleshoot steps are not fixing your issue

  File Modified
JPEG File ethernet.jpg Aug 19, 2022 by
JPEG File monitorpower.jpg Aug 19, 2022 by
JPEG File laptop65W.jpg Aug 19, 2022 by
JPEG File dock130W.jpg Aug 19, 2022 by
JPEG File displayport.jpg Aug 19, 2022 by
JPEG File hdmi.jpg Aug 19, 2022 by
JPEG File dvi.jpg Aug 19, 2022 by
JPEG File vga.jpg Aug 19, 2022 by
PNG File setup layout.png Aug 19, 2022 by

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