Canvas is a web based learning management system created by Instructure that is used in education.
Logging In
Service Desk Assistance
The Oakland Schools Service Desk can only assist parents with verifying they are logging in with the correct credentials. Any other assistance, requests, or internal Canvas issues should be directed to the appropriate person or building under District Specific Information.
Staff and students will log into Canvas with their email address and email password. Each district has its own login page that has to be used by that district. You CAN NOT log into Canvas using their generic login portal on their website.
District Login Chart
District | Login Portal |
Clawson | |
Farmington | https://fpsk12.instructure.com/login/canvas |
Ferndale | |
Royal Oak | One of the following (try both): |
West Bloomfield | https://westbloomfieldsd.instructure.com/login/canvas |
Canvas has a large amount of troubleshooting information located on their website: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Troubleshooting/tkb-p/Troubleshooting
District Specific Information
Service Desk Assistance
The Oakland Schools Service Desk can only assist parents with verifying they are logging in with the correct credentials. Any other assistance, requests, or internal Canvas issues should be directed to the appropriate person or building under District Specific Information.
Login Portal:
Staff Canvas Assistance: Jill Lapine at jill.lapine@clawsonschools.org
Parent Canvas Assistance: Jill Lapine at jill.lapine@clawsonschools.org
Login Portal: https://fpsk12.instructure.com/login/canvas
Staff Information
Below are two google doc items that were sent out to staff. In the technology support documentation there are building and district "Canvas Leaders". Building leaders are the first goto, while district leaders should be sought afterwards.
Canvas Technology Support Documentation
Parent Information
Any other Canvas requests or issues need to be directed towards the building the student is assigned to. Each building has an assigned Canvas contact.
Login Portal: https://canvas.gennet.us/login/canvas
Select the login with google option and then enter district email address and password
Specific Canvas class related issues should be directed towards that class's teacher. For all other issues, or if the classroom teacher directs parents to the Service Desk, staff and parents should contact the person below.
Login Portal:
Staff Canvas Assistance: Tom Maes at Tom.Maes@Ferndaleschools.org
Parent Canvas Assistance: Tom Maes at Tom.Maes@Ferndaleschools.org
Royal Oak
Login Portal (try both):
Staff Canvas Assistance:
- Lisa Shannon at Lisa.Shannon@royaloakschools.org
- Ben Roeder at Ben.Roeder@royaloakschools.org
Parent Canvas Assistance:
- Lisa Shannon at Lisa.Shannon@royaloakschools.org
- Ben Roeder at Ben.Roeder@royaloakschools.org
West Bloomfield
District Overview: https://www.wbsd.org/academics/classroom-to-cloud/canvas
Login Portal: https://westbloomfieldsd.instructure.com/login/canvas
Staff Canvas Assistance: Please Create a Service Desk ticket.
Parent Canvas Assistance: Please Create a Service Desk ticket.